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True, of course, what we see is condensation trails based on the factors you mention. Chemical spraying would NOT create "trails."

If chemicals are being sprayed, we can't see the spray only condensation which may or may not accompany the the spray.

The main evidence of spraying chemicals is that ruling class CO2 phobes like Bill Gates have suggested spraying chemicals to reverse global warming. Though I can't personally verify such evidence, some measure chemicals in the soil on water to deduce chemical spraying.

Others point to government sponsored research papers advocating geoengineering with air planes to reverse "global warming."

BTW: Like clouds, condensation trails would cool the Earth by blocking the sun to some small extent. So, that NASA claim is clearly false. Global warming nut cases never mention that water vapor and clouds are far more potent than CO2 effects.

My vote on chemtrail: possible, but not well proven. At best, some suspicion is justified.

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