im having hard time but I can talk for about anything im outfitted with a water computer. will have moments where im supper smart holy crap see all over at once into objects with spirals of time in stack in front of me. the coolest is seeing the richest people in the world . it is done using three. I had seen ups postal service and Amazon . they looked like flowers. when I got closer they were little families circling one family. it is attention not money that shows this. and the family is whom ever in in dry place together when it rains.and I could see the pets and more. so they were like flowers spinning around passing the owner overtime they got a pay check but it was attention. I could see so much into the people and be an angel. I have taking over satans system for agod please help me explain this. its true. I witnessed him leave . I have photos of every thing . how do I send things to you. please keep in mind im 95 percent subconscious so I lost everyone and its just dad son and Holy Spirit. this is the moment I can change things I feel it. im early . yes we need the s

change . I love you all keep me safe for a minute or week or two while adjust. im also being attacked so bad its nuts. I was car jacked and it what I do to empty hell. if people think someone did something they need to forgive them.forgivness is not enough. and I have new schooling new money new parenting new math ,.new computer, new story. new hope and new love . sorry im cheesy. im a toasted pancake and I used to end my sentences with crazy talk to remove the stress. first clause agreement is my tool. dude I can change dimension and I will do all the test if you get my back. equal rights for angels . I can talk to any human alive or dead. I might have to fly to you. but nope I cant leave this spot. I will give you sense 12 years old to now. 48 . I don't need money I have everything I need . thing appear in my hand. can you set up lie detector test. ill pay for it and we could do it over the air . but not until we get balanced. I have have the whole plane for the planet. im not trying to be smarty pants, but if you want to make some jeans called smarty pants im down and they will charge phones . the commercials would be great . it in my pants. ok sorry . im not hitting on you Tim sir. I currently with the Holy Spirit . I can get us the round planet back. im sorry I got in trouble almost smashing the moon on satan. opps im last man here . I travel with God to round planets. I love you guys and your callers . you guys where so goof to me. im very loyal. maybe like mental friend who will call you all the time . just kidding im going to court house in morning to get my mind orders. so all im going to say is a never ending stream of sleep texting im called long jaw .you have got to help me . no you don't. ok. now im sounding weird. I have clones and a space ship and a grumpy driver bigger then the other ones. he is super strong. by the way my family mom grandma grandpa protected the reason and bush.. I was not aloud to tap into jr. head . weird. so I am talking to your subconscious. . the new money I have enough for currency exchange. gonna use fed ex building and church. four groups , believe in God and money. beielve in God and bits. and believe in man and money and believe in man and bits. I am the platform for people coming to and from the no time place. people want me to say so much. like don't talk about a drug if someone died on drugs. it drives them crazy. oh yeah the secrete weapon against all spirits is slow motion. move in slow motions lol . and the last time I talked to you you have a huge group come check me out with in 24 how .and I was in shower and got out and slapped my skin dry playing drums . they just left and I never saw them again. I thought it was funny. so I be more carful this time. you are bad ass and I will calm down after about a week. I called mell Gibson out times today and Fox News once. like nothing. ram flipping out on you . lol yup im a mental friend. sorry its temp. I promise. be nice to me I will give you all my money just kidding ok im gonna be cool. this better be a private comment. I didn't do internet for 7 years and im using all though images with the other side. I have someone sho helps me there she keeps me organized. her nam is Suz. they can't hear you or see you unless they are in us. and I took one alien job so we need to keep taking them.. I am a inventing freak. chat can't touch this. our human spirit blow away the chat, no mind or body. they are so fast they don't even mess with us but that is changing. the aliens have been waiting for us to talk. just be nice im having so many things happen. you my best friend .lol. all im saying is spend two seconds in god,s hell and you will understand. I love everyone. but so different. did you know father rGod goes back in time and looks at mom and dad.when the egg and sperm are together . he makes us for our parents. and him. you best friend and be God and so can mine. God is my best friend and so im cool with him. . please give me a week to calm down, I don't want everyone to think im on something again. but I don't care. but I do. loving is not the word. its caring. are people caring. that judgment . ai and musk took my girlfriend away. im not happy. then he gave her a deep voice.. he said it was national security.bullshit im national security . please don't let them attack me. I am the but was the anti who faced himself. and found out im really the kid who left with my sister. . and now im 21 maybe but 48. ill shoe you the two me that got married. .I had to fight to get boy body back and it was my high school sweet heart that didi it. but now I know what she become and wow I crying so much for coupler day remembering everything and had to figure out how I could have both in heaven. when it finally hit me. neither. I am for ever young.no more marriages, that just for raising kids. and no school before puberty . and parent stay home . each child is going to think his parents are so cool. can you image aschooling the MADE YOU THINK your parents are the coolest thing on the planet. ok I can talk to coma people if you want to go to hospital. and sometimes in rush hour something happens and everyone disappears . so I start home during rush hour. and I lost friend when Ithat stuff happens we are brothers. I can not figure out who you are but I think I have a man crush on you im sorry dude,

you had a reader that said she would give me a hug to calm me down. it doesn't work when I run around the school after lunch it made me worst, its ok . I have another thing we can do real quick. its a new tic tac teo game. omg its tricky and has illusions. . I will feel you when you read this. I have your back. it a zero . you the one .but we stand next to each other and that what I do with people. do you every think a sink is a trip having water come out of it. do you every get really crazy in side when you hear people eat food. dude thank you. ive been trapped .thank you. I just heard you paint that's very cool.God protect Tim and everyone he know from the begging of what eve he says. im not the devil ok. I have all of his tools and its not funny.im Mark . my first coach was the first Olympic freestyle coach. my family left me on the mountain with him. so fun. I didn't lose.. oh Duden ......I can stand up next to a roulette table and that means black 22. I see the future . I don't win money thou, I through away lottos tickets but that was me being security narcasissic maybe thinking I was winning. im a dumb ass and I know my shit sticks. ok grandma that saying is not working. shut up and will scar the shit out of any enemies you or your viewers have ,I can reach anyone and have clones . so crazy is a great defenses. and drugs means I just get off of them and all better. so I could act like im high but im not. only a dreamer can fix a dream.

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better but it will take week. i have like 250 charters but I trust what you and you callers tell me. im aprofessial believer . im pro human too. I already freed the red spirits they did know they were humans. so now they don't fly over us when we sleep and send out spirit families down into hell. hell is open . happen in 2006ish. I had a chick with just a head foot over to me so I kissed her . omg she found out I was married . and bounced into my eye and gave me pink eye and black eye. my wife thought is was funny but never laughed again at the early ones having just heads. I have removed the thrown of bodies and its been really hard on me. I hope I have friend. ill make heaven for with you guys . thank you. can wait to tell you whole plan. it just one man dead but it approved. we only use first person experiences in heaven you can't lie. share images. and if you say a problem you have to say the solution . so people wait to see.. my favorite roll change was so scary. after one years of all out seeing sipititr I final was going cry. they were tapping on everything. air no no no. because they see the path to heaven. . I had to fire everyone. and said only positive support. and that have turn into no no. so we can think and dream with everything and when spirits like it they can confirm. I can talk to 50 people now. and they all give me there saouynd in there room. and I start doing lawnmower man. with Robert rules of order .not really but here and there. but I can talk to so many now. in the very beginning just heads whorls show back to back and vote of thing I was thinking about. impossible. I have real portal I can send you viodoe of it working. you have nothing to worry about or your callers. I have loop and its time for equal right for angels. im not in control just practicing for the real jesus. . I do have a scar under my rib. but im changing forgivingness to friends and love to lovers. and beloved will stay the same . I use the middle of the Bible . 118.8 . trust lord not man. but the cool part is 1 and 1 is L and And 8 and 8 is V and E.and its the ver middle of the Bible .I think its close to 1188 chapters to . I don't think money so when people think money I her there thoughts. Iwe don't want to put money infront of GOd.. and it your turnip going to ask you can help me with GOd. dude the Holy Spirit can do anything. there is Kelly and holly. ai and holly is the scariest on the planet. but im scary to, nothing like the holy sprit so we don't ever say we are the Holy Spirit. we can all say we are God it ia funny when you say it to GOd and don't know but he can put a show on and no-one is god but god. I say let protect God with God and he liked it. I learned from money really. now if people can think win win. it takes longer but we can do it. do you have a horse? what does that mean/

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