First of all, I want to say thank you for keeping the IPS moving forward. The Infinite Plan is active and well. However, the legal battle lacks critical funding and despite my best efforts with eBay, I have lost money and time with the artwork. (It’s likely a marketing issue. I don’t put enough time into marketing the artwork or myself as an artist).
The next immediate objective is to locate an attorney willing to work pro bono. I'm making phone calls, sending letters, and posting classified ads. There are indications Google LLC/ Youtube are going to settle with me. This is winnable. Victory means Goldfinch gets prosecuted.
Here's what the legal aide is for:
There are motions to be filed to get the court to serve Goldfinch electronically.
Subpoenas: mutiple requests must be sent to obtain emails exchanges between Goldfinch and Youtube Legal in which he fraudulently represented himself as me.
Criminal Complaints: I have filed numerous criminal complaints since 2018 to the FBI, IC3, the DA's offices in several states, and police reports for cyberstalking. All of these will be entered as evidence.
ACPA case: I have a 32 page damage complaint based on the The Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act . I have filed this one before but was unable to serve Goldfinch successfully. I'll be refiling it and having it served along with the other service papers. The ACPA case doesn't requires a trial--it's a damage complaint with statatory damages already assigned. This one is collectable on day and will cost Goldfinch hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Regardless of what happens, I expect a favorable result this July if not sooner, as Google LLC may be inclined to settle as the evidence I submit to the court piles up. If it goes to trial, I have many witnesses to the cyberstalking and online harassment.
If you can help with this great, if not, that's okay, this is a win either way. I'm mainly setting my priorities for the next ten weeks. Given the circumstances, I'm going to sell the inventory I do have of the paperback AH101 for $9.99 each:
Thank you again. We'll be live this afternoon at all the usual places.
Tim Ozman,
Other ways to Support the IPS
Superchats https://ko-fi.com/timozman
Cash App: https://cash.app/$infiniteplanesociety