Hello. I am going to be live on Fakeologist today. I will send out a notification 15 minutes prior.
We may talk about the number of simulations and drills and actors involved on 9/11, and why that increases the fakeability of it all. I also want to talk about the state of trutherism today, mentynal laced red pills, and the conformist counter-narrative conspiracy culture of dupes and why we need to replace it with a culture of disbelievers.
When I’m not live streaming I tend to write. I’ve dusted off some manuscripts in progress, and I have an interesting one on the topic of lying, and what a pervasive part of the human experience it is. I’m also writing articles for the IPS Inciter, and developing content for future cyber symposiums.
I’m taking advantage of this downtime. On the first, I’m taking out a business loan and all these stalled projects will be launched.
Thank you all for the support in for participating in the IPS think tank. We will be live this evening, keep an eye on your notifications.