The Leave The World Behind 1619 Project vs 1776 White Nationalism Subtext
From the beginning of Leave The World Behind there were references to the final episode, the season finale, of Friends entitled The Last One. The girl obsessed with it asks if they can visit the cafe from the show to which the mother responds by informing her it is only a movie set. The multiple references to Friend’s “finale” stand out because of the recent death of Matthew Perry and his final cryptic Instagram posts, the submersion, and the introduction to Friend’s where he’s spitting out water from a fountain, all of which seemed to indicate something else is suggested. The movie’s final part was called The Flood, further adding to this thread.
The brother wears an OBEY shirt designed by Frank Shepard, who did the iconic Obama HOPE poster. Throughout the movie, the subtext is told in tshirts. For example, the father wears Bikini Kill, which infers the atomic bomb tests at Bikini Island. There is a scene in which it is said that their son could “sleep through an atom bomb” in which the Bikini Kill shirt is prominent.
The girl, Rose, wears a NASA shirt. This adds another level of meaning to “leaving the world behind”. As it turns out, she is the one heeding the signs, but as though she has Cassandra Syndrome, her warnings are ignored. (The Cassandra metaphor relates to a person whose valid warnings or concerns are disbelieved by others. The term originates in Greek mythology.)
In one scene, she and her brother stand side by side conveying the message “OBEY NASA.”
There are frequent shots with this map of the United States, divided, quartered, and ominously painted with red.
The address for the house, which I suspect represents the White House, is 11963. The obvious resentment Julia Robert’s character had was because they had to share the house Black man and his daughter. She wondered aloud if the man would attack her daughter. I suspect this probably represents the resentment racists had toward the Obamas in the White House.
Rose’s NASA shirt adds another level of meaning to “leaving the world behind”. As it turns out, she is the one heeding the signs. She was the one warning of the incoming oil tanker. Nobody responded to her until it was nearly too late. Her words, “That ship is heading toward us” were ignored until it was hitting the beach. The oil tanker refers to fossil fuels, capitalism, and climate change, and she’s of the “Greta” generation. Her parents are oblivious to the problems they created for her world.
Interestingly, “American Blackout”, which came out in 2013 uses news footage of then-President Obama who asks citizens to "stay calm and listen to what public officials…” To OBEY.
The father and son are both portrayed as negatively stereotyped racist, misogynist, incompetent, shallow superfluous Ken dolls with no survival instincts. Rose has intuition and makes it to a bunker. Her brother gaslit, mocked her, etc, took nothing seriously and paid no attention to her thoughts. Her father was the same and admitted he was "useless” without the internet.
In one scene the father is flagged down by a panicked woman who could only speak Spanish. Because he could not understand, he coldly abandoned her. The futility of that moment suggested the Tower of Babel fell and the tongues were now scattered. I think that the Kevin Bacon character had foreknowledge that the attack on the power grid was white nationalist connected.
From a book review: “When Amanda thinks, ‘those people didn't look like the sort to own such a beautiful house,’ she reveals a glimpse of white supremacy.” The author satirically named G. H. after a white man who owned slaves.
The white characters were insinuated to be racist but not all of them overtly. The mother’s discomfort with sharing the home with the guests, the fact the guests were made to sleep in the basement, and her comment about the girl’s hair at the pool were some indications. The survivalist with the American flag seemed to use Korean and Chinese interchangeably, and the son took photos of the Black girl at the pool without her consent. The white characters are shown a certain way. The mother says to the sophisticated musician while looking at his immense record collection "you can't dance to jazz” and proceeds to dance terribly to "Too Close" and nearly cheats on her husband, who at the beginning remarks that "all I need is 15 min", unflatteringly describing his sexual prowess, meanwhile they show their son as a perv who takes pics of the girl in a bikini and then looks at those pictures in bed.
The television screen in the back showed football fans doing the “Cleveland chop,” which neatly ties in with a recent “blackface” controversy regarding a Kansas City Chiefs fan.
The father made some trite comment about the Mesoamerican beliefs about deer sightings being a good sign, the mother mocked the notion that one could dance to Jazz, each displaying a stunning lack of sophistication and cultural sensitivity. This connects with the general criticism of America the film is making, even drawing in a reference to The 1619 Project, hinted at throughout the movie:
It was discussed that part of the strategic takedown of the United States was the deliberate exploitation of existing tensions so that following a societal collapse, the people would take one another out. 1619 refers to the year the first enslaved Africans arrived in North America, and the project's goal is to begin America’s history then, in 1619, rather than in 1776 as we do now. This wider view of history would be more inclusive of its heritage, This 1619 versus 1776 dialectic is an expression of the Critical Race Theory versus Western Chauvinism. There is a lot of racial identity politics infused within, and this is part of the strategy explained at the end. The elite set up a civil war and let the people fight amongst themselves. They want the 1776 crowd to fight the 1619 crowd.
The ship that crashed into the beach was called the White Lion, which is the name of the first slave ship to arrive in Virginia, in 1619. This is the basis for The 1619 Project.
There is mention made of a Winter Solstice by someone who ominously says, “Take care of yourself” and a 12/22 on a car.
The address: is 11963. It contains 1963, when JFK was shot, and 119, 1/19 was Donnie DarkO’s release date (the girl is compared to Donnie DarkO), Patient Zero for COVID-19, and Fall of the Tower of Babel Gen 11:9.
Like Donnie DarkO, falling planes are part of the narrative. This connects to the 9/11 symbolism inherent in the scene where the father and mother play Jenga, a falling tower game. The tower falls as the scene transitions from the drone scene, where a drone drops ‘Death to America’ leaflets written in Arabic.
The lunar scene, showing a corona on the Earth, is reminiscent of the corona motif from Donnie DarkO.
Also, note the 116 on the Tesla cars….this number is associated with a White Nationalist domestic violent extremist attack via nuclear weapon. In Batman, Gotham is underwater on 11/6, 6/11 was Timothy McVeigh’s execution date, Oppenhiemer’s Imax film is 11 miles long and 600 lbs, among others we have discussed.
The “96” tattoo was shown too many times to be meaningless.
I would also add the ship crashing represents the “ship of state” and the oil is suggestive of climate change being the meaning. At the start, the girl told a joke about a faithful man who prayed to God to save him from the flood. He refused the help of a rowboat and a helicopter after he already ignored the initial warnings because he was waiting for God to save him. He drowned. She may represent the youth, the Greta demographic, whose warnings are largely ignored and laughed at by unrepentant polluters and consumers. She abandons her family and escapes to a bunker.
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