Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for supporting the IPS Think Tank.
Here are a few updates:
The IPS Inciter
The IPS Inciter will have a Hoaxiversery calender
Autohoaxology 101
Book tour/ cybersymposium in the works
I expect the Penguinati Audiobook script to be completed and handed to a narrator. I plan to release it and get as many IPS people as possible to review it because if it sells well, the audiobook will finance a full 3-D stop motion animation feature
IPS Cyber Symposium #1 with a focus on the ISS
The first of these will take place at the IPS HQ. It will be a well-researched, well sourced, devastating takedown of the ISS as anything but a bad propaganda reality tv show.
We’re going to be down until next month (Internet bill got way ahead of me) but that’s okay. I can use this downtime to develop a number of other projects. We’ll enact them all in about a week.
Have a great Thanksgiving.
Tim Ozman,
IPR Host