Today is the anniversary of the biggest psyop spectacle of our lives (so far). We’ll discuss its significance and what it means according to the different perspectives one can take from within the mainstream-mediated worldview. The prevailing view is that “it happened,” although the hows and whys are debatable.
As an informed skeptic, my starting point is “fake until proven real.” We consistently observe the poorly executed psyops perpetrated by propagandists performing magic tricks for the masses, yet the skeptics' perspective is instantly discarded. And why wouldn’t it be so? The massified mind, the perfectly conditioned true-believer in mass media, exited skepticism when the ubiquitous screen became the arbiter of real or fake in their minds. This process is unavoidable—we have all been programmed to believe.
If you believe “some people” must have died, your argument stems from information filtered and contextualized by the movie-magic-enhanced version of events provided by government-controlled media.
The statement, “I believe people died,” is not the equivalent of “I know people died.”
I would state that “I don’t believe anybody died in the 9/11/01 terror attacks because evidence indicates they were simulated as part of a global psychological warfare attack to affect a mass paradigm shift, tighten worldview control, and maintain the balance of power between the mediated masses and the power elite.”
Facts support my informed disbelief. The low-information belief of the “I saw it on TV” crowd weighs nothing compared to informed disbelief.
We don’t get 9/11 liars on Infinite Plane Radio open-phones any longer. That stopped when I started asking for victims’ names. But in Trutherville, it is still very much a standard belief that people died and Bush-Cheney, Israel, Reptilians, Direct Energy Weapons, and more are responsible.
We’ll discuss this and a few other topics live today, including:
The Tyreek Hill / Rebel Ridge Psyop
The missing cats in Ohio Psyop
The contemporary myth of 9/11/01 and how its scapegoats divide its believers.
Stanley Kubrick, James Cameron, and other metascriptors
The occult architecture of Ground Zero, the Falling Man, the 33-year-old falling into the bottomless pit, etc
Tim Ozman,