I have a short list of things to make you aware of regarding the IPS and the plan for the remainder of the year:
The long-delayed IPS INCITER will see print. Once the first is out, we’ll have a regular publishing schedule
The IPR Press Passes have been delayed but I located a local printer to handle it and I’ll have those made up and sent out by this weekend.
The eBay store will re-open in a few days and I’ll be selling IPS Merch there.
IPS has recovered our original channel. It had 7700 subscribers but in the 6 years since it was pulled, it’s lost 2200. The plan is to consolidate ALL potential and full-blown Autohoaxers. We’ll build our collective around the AUTOHOAX CONFERENCES. The next one is Saturday, 11/30/24. Comment below or message me to get involved:
Garret Zeigler and Marcus Goldfinch’s LLC is being criminally investigated for doxxing and hacking. —https://t.me/theprofessorsrecord/17425 . They have already paid $318,000 in legal fees since this case was filed and trial is set for September 2025. This case they are presently losing gives me leverage in my own case vs MG. That will be on the docket within 30 days in another venue with a better and more direct line of attack.
Tomorrow, 11/21/24, we will have an IPS Deep Think Tank voice chat in Discord. It will be recorded for those that miss it. I’ll post a notification an hour+ before we begin.
Thank you for subscribing. I’m working on AUTOHOAX CON #3 this evening but we will be live tomorrow at the usual time and earlier in the Discord Voice Chat.
Tim Ozman,