We'll be live today earlier than usual.
I was hired again, same company, different location, but was un-hired before training started. I do not know why. The IPS INCITER will begin in November instead because I'm still on the job hunt.
It's possible that the civil judgement against me is the reason (a bullshit retaliatory lawsuit won in jugdement because a) I couldn't afford to travel, and b) the defendent motioned to block my attempt to attend remotely, which shows that it's not about facts or truth but winning by slick manuevers).
I will be fighting that 65K judgement. It wasn't a top priority but if it's blocking me from employment then maybe it should be. Anyway, I'll get orders out for Autohoaxology 101 at the pace that I can. I'm leaning heavily into art these days which is why I'm not live as often.
At least I know I'm employable. I was offered two positions after two interviews, both of them starting at $14 an hour. I was disqualified for reasons that are out of my control.
This probably means job hunting is futile but, eventually, Youtube and Google will pay me substantial amounts of money as a result of their criminality and identity theft with Marcus Goldfinch. I have every reason to stay in this game. The fact the other side doesn't play fair just goes to show what losers they are.
My solution:
I'm going to paint more and work on publishing a couple of books I've been working on.
We'll be live as we often as we can.
ADDITIONALLY: We'll be active in DISCORD and I plan to make use of Voice Chat again.
(We have ZERO TOLERANCE for censorable content. This means we have to exclude stale counter-narrative agitprop and ethno-nationalist claptrap.)
Tim Ozman,
IPR Host
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