Here are a few things I want to discuss later today:
I blocked Elon Musk and now he’s posting penguins.
I watched the Whole Story JFK episode on CNN. Apparently, full-blown Q-anons think Lincoln was Jesus's bloodline—-and so were the Kennedys. Thankfully the Trump’s aren’t carrying the bloodline of God; Trump just works for them.
I’ve been discussing the piglet Garret Zeigler, henchman of Marcus Goldfinch, and the lawsuit leveled against him by Hunter Biden. Interestingly his father had a parallel role in the Nixon administration: "Roger Ziegler was a prominent figure in the Richard Nixon administration. He served as the White House Deputy Press Secretary from 1969 to 1974. Ziegler is best known for his role in handling the media during the Watergate scandal, which ultimately led to President Nixon's resignation." Roger Ziegler, a NIXON guy, is related to GARRET Zeigler, the Hunter Biden Laptop operation. Garret set up a major Pre-Jan 6 meeting with the Insurrectionists, which is a “Watergate” level scandal.
I don't believe in space balls. Just to reiterate. Space is still fake and we get distracted by Earthy psyops all the time.
MMA Conspiracy Theorists are all Informants and Feds. Prove me wrong. Joe Rogan and Eddie Bravo are linked to MGTV/ Q. They use these popular figures to control narratives and associate conspiracy theory with “toxic masculinity”. They used Joe Rogan as a fall guy for censoring Spotify for “medical misinformation,” an invented pretext to violate free speech.
THEY WILL NEVER TAKE THE GUNS. The hype of this threat, mostly by alt-right and Waco-radicalized Alex Jones, to create a fear of disarmament from the Right. This fear is balanced by the Left’s fear of right-wing shooters. The paranoia is the point. Anlinsky’s Rules For Radicals Rules #9 is relevant here: "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
I was on the phone and in email communication with the IRS and Hunter Biden's legal team in the last few days, informing them of Garret Zeigler's co-defendants identity: Marcus Goldfinch. Marcus Goldfinch invaded my privacy on behalf of the US Government or off duty, but still using those resources. My immediate plan is to serve him papers via Zeigler's legal team. I will put his name in the paperwork and they will not be able to deny it if true, which it is.
Marcus Goldfinch should be considered a high value target by the Left. He's being sued by the President's son for privacy violations. Plus, he's a MAGA, which means the 501c3 status of Marco Polo can be rightfully challenged and revoked. That alone is worthy of a spotlight. His crime committed against the IPS (with Youtube's corroboration) is 4th degree Felony ID Theft. Interestingly, Hunter Biden is now suing the IRS for sharing his personal data with MarcoPolo501c3.
From the IPS Perspective: Since our goal is to draw in 10K + autohoaxers into our research pool and expand distribution of our publications, the expose on Marcus Goldfinch is a worthy objective. The traffic and resultant drama would draw our work and this channels censorship into the story.
If you don't watch the news you're undermisinformed. Being undermisinformed is okay if you’re informed about the world-stage as separate from objective reality. Only then can you safely tune-out. The uninformed who tune out are lost, as they lack the Offworld-Stage Perspective which is a requirement for true situational awareness and orientation in the real world. Those informed (Autohoaxers) about how it all works can tune-in and tune-out at will with no loss of coherence.
Scripted Sports Entertainment.
They use MMA to conflate Toxic Masculinity with Toxic Misinformation. Why aren’t there any soyboy conspiracy theorists (aside from Mark Sargent)? Look at Alex Jones's own hyped-up supermale vitality persona. These MMA mouthpieces all make the right wing culture war talking points. They are part of the Political Horseshoe designed to redirect dissent.
On Sunday I attended a pagan festival’s opening ceremony. My timing was impeccable; I wandered into this park as things were beginning. They “closed” a circle around the hundreds of attendees. I've been reading up on a few topics related to symbolism and magic. I found some notions that may explain the purpose behind much of the ritualistic stylized drama in the fake news. It has to do with collective participation and bringing people into the "circle" even if they aren't physically at the location, i.e. the Super Bowl halftime rituals. The Black Monolith Screen is the Altar. Remote altars enable remote engagement. I'm getting a strong THEY LIVE vibe here. That there's an 'alien signal' that holds the system in place. This signal is enslaving the population and keeping them in a dream-like state, and that the only way to stop it is to shut off the signal at its source. In reality, this is the Monolithic Media translating the signals above—the astrological story, filtered through media psychodramas, presented as news and entertainment. This is the signal that creates a mass ritual hypnosis for the purposes of control.
Ignore truthers that tell you to ignore whatever is occupying your attention. Technically everything is a distraction from what is presently distracting you. Autohoaxers must cultivate laser focus on each topic. To be distracted by the “don’t be distracted” crew will leave you in a 24-hour news cycle. We have to break that cycle concept. We retro-autohoax because news is never settled. We re-examine stories past and consider them in recent contexts as things constantly change. We have to gain all the intelligence we can about each topic and never truly move on from them. The Parallel Media needs a parallel account of the world stage happenings, not a disparate collection of stories we dispute on their time-line, but a separate account altogether with the Offworld-Stage vantage point.
I've seen a lot of the Fentynal or "Blues" users walk around contorted and leaning like Walking Dead zombies. The other day one stopped in the road in front of me leaning like a tree in a hurricane. He looked headless because his back was to me and his head was nearly tucked under an arm. Later, on a run, I encountered one on a bridge. That one was so contorted she looked like a walking Picasso.
I think the real drug problems are far worse than the imagined vaxageddon scenarios. So much time, energy, and money is being diverted into the Psywar Industrial Complex’s controlled opposition narratives that could go to real world problems.
Do vaxacaust types kneel to the nuke and accept its power? Do they duck and cover before the power of the atom bomb and laugh at the nuclear disaster scenarios? To overcome Nuke-Phobia is to pull the curtain back so far on the world stage, that the lesser threats should be even less believable.
The pokey accomplishes quite a few things without being a genocidal weapon: 1. It solidifies the bond between Science as Savior and the lemmings. 2. It makes a PRIVATELY held conviction PUBLIC. 3. It deepens and illustrates the Existing Chasm between the Left and Right. We have to know our sides to engage in civil war. 3. We are generally not required to be open and public about our religious convictions, what we believe---and the Vax question made it mandatory or impossible to avoid disclosing one's belief system: are you Anti-state or Pro-State, pro-Free Market or pro-Lockdown? The Government of the world (it is monolithic) now knows everyone’s ideological makeup. By contrast, injuring or killing a small percentage is HARDLY a goal worth achieving.
2020 was mind war as usual which is why the IPS didn’t fall for it on either “side”. All pro vs. anti positions are on the Political Horseshoe expecting political solutions to change the system. This is all about who frames your perceptions: do you or does the MSM filter “screen” your thoughts?
There is no moderate position nor protective ignorance on the World Stage. The middle is deep mind control; the fringes are even deeper, and the popular conspiracy theories are all on the Political Horseshoe. Guardrailers, False Flaggers, and Mentynal Distributors have one function: to keep free thinking people focused on the World Stage.
When considering the existence of fancy New World Order weapons like DEW Space Lasers, also consider Saul Alinsky’s first rule: "Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have." Put another way: “Power is not only what you have, but what you can fake on television….”
Nukes are undoubtedly FAKEABLE. To antivaxxers I would ask, if you concede that the power elite has the ability to fake something so egregiously, something that redefines the world stage, then why presume the needle is any realer a universal threat? If you concede that the power elite has the ability to fake something so egregiously, something that so radically redefines the world stage, then why presume the needle is any “realer” a universal threat? Remember, there is zero evidence to support the MSM overall claims for 2020. The big lie was falsified early on but that didn’t stop the charade and masquerade. So if the virus agenda was a hoax, why would the counter-agenda be real?
The Greek name for Jesus, Iesous, adds up to 888.
888 X 2 = 1776. making that a Second Coming number.
33 years after the Twin Towers’ construction year is their destruction year 1968-2001. The new tower that replaced them is 1776 feet at the tip.
The new tower was opened 13 years after the Twin Towers fell. 13 is another Phoenix number.
The Shroud of Turin has been processed by an AI Image generator and now we have the face of AI Jesus.