I have enough notes on paper and drafted articles for a week of non-stop discussion.
IPR is moving into an office space next week. I have 3 locations I am looking at. I'm not worried about "falling behind" since I'll have much more time when situated.
We will be live daily M-F
6am-730am “The IPS Morning De-Program”
and a
6pm-730pm Evening “IPS Open Phones 4 Open Minds”
Sat/Sun: Infinite Plane Saturndays and IPS Sunday Schools will also resume.
IPR will host guests, panel talks, cyber symposiums, and more. The delays are excruciating but there is plenty of work to do in the meantime and I haven't wasted a moment. Most of the best plans for the IPR Press Club are secret for obvious reasons, but I prefer that we demonstrate rather than talk about them anyway.
I look forward to seeing you all in chat.
Tim Ozman,